Old Cui says about coins: Ethereum has increased by a hundred points, are you ready to ambush long positions?

7 hours ago

The world is bustling, all for profit; the world is bustling, all for profit to go! Hello everyone, I am your friend Lao Cui who talks about coins, focusing on digital currency market analysis, striving to convey the most valuable market information to the vast number of coin friends. Welcome everyone to follow and like, and reject any market smokescreens.

After two days of anxiety, the market has finally moved out of the contract range in the short term, and everyone can finally relax and reassess this market. During the pullback these past two days, every time I gave suggestions, I also had some worries in my heart. Although I can accurately gauge the market, the difference between entering the market and my own entry is still quite large. The burden I carry is also heavier, which is why I rarely provide exact entry points in my articles. This time, I suggested entering long positions at 2400-2410, mainly because too many users were wiped out by the bears, and it was painful to watch. Alright, enough of the emotional talk, congratulations to everyone for recovering and making profits. Let's move on to today's thematic analysis:

In the daily chart, the seven-day moving average has been affected by the previous significant drop and is currently running below the thirty-day moving average. Remember that the movement of moving averages does not have any reference value; the only reference value lies in reflecting the recent transaction prices, which can indirectly reflect the trading intentions of buyers and sellers. Looking at the current trend, the transaction prices are getting higher, proving that the buyers' willingness is greater than that of the sellers, and the bulls may have an advantage in the short term. Coupled with the direction of the Bollinger Bands, the lower band is still moving upwards, while the upper and lower bands are moving in opposite directions, forming a short-term convergence pattern. This indicates that the forces of both bulls and bears are stabilizing, and a pullback may occur in the short term, but ultimately, the bulls will prevail. The impact of war seems to diminish as the timeline extends; currently, the market is moving towards the right track, and the strength of the bulls is growing stronger.

The short-term pressure levels are also very clear. The first short-term pressure level is 2500, and the second substantial pressure level is around the mid-band at 2533. For the daily chart, as long as it breaks through, it is likely to usher in a significant rise. However, if it does not break through, it remains within a controllable range. The depth of the short-term pullback is unlikely to reach the previous hundreds of points, but rather a few dozen points before charging again. The RSI and KDJ three-line trends are still within normal values. It should be noted that Ethereum has almost increased to around 90 points, and the performance of these three lines is still within the normal range, indirectly proving the strength of the bulls in the short term. As for the MACD line, the DIF and DEA are forming a parallel trend, but the DIF shows a tendency to rise. As long as the market continues to grow above the 2533 level, it is likely to form a golden cross, indicating that the upper space will be forcibly opened again. Overall, the daily chart still shows that the bulls are dominant, and this time the performance is more evident, with almost all linear indicators pointing towards a bullish market.

Let's take a look at the recent important news. Next Thursday evening at 20:30, the U.S. will release the adjusted CPI year-on-year and month-on-month for the end of September, as well as the number of people applying for unemployment benefits. This data needs to be monitored, as it may trigger a new round of growth. This is the first time overall monthly and annual data will be released since the interest rate cut began, and it is reasonable to expect good data, so I believe there will be another round of growth. Additionally, on Friday evening at 20:30, the U.S. will release the September PPI year-on-year and month-on-month data, and at 21:45, the preliminary value of the one-year inflation rate for October and the preliminary value of the University of Michigan consumer confidence index for October will also be released. These two pieces of data are among the most important recent news, and everyone should pay attention to them. As for the authenticity of the data, it is not very important for the crypto space; these types of data are generally viewed positively, so just be prepared before the data is released.

In summary, through this round of growth, no one is bearish anymore. I believe everyone is very clear that the bulls are still in control, so I will not emphasize this point again. However, when going long, it is essential to keep some positions. Once the war begins, everyone needs to quickly adjust their trading strategy. War is the intersection of bull and bear markets and can be seen as a trigger. As long as this factor does not influence the market, the crypto space can generally be viewed positively without too much worry. Maintain a calm mindset and do not let short-term trends affect the overall layout. If you still have uncertain entry points in mind, please communicate with me in a timely manner. Even users who are in a losing position should also talk to me. Rest assured, neither of these will incur any fees. The pressure levels for Ethereum are at 2500 and 2533; if these can break through in the short term, it will reach the heights before the war.

Original content created by: Lao Cui Talks About Coins. For assistance, please contact directly.

Lao Cui's message: Investing is like playing chess; a master can see five, seven, or even ten moves ahead, while a novice can only see two or three. The master considers the overall situation and strategizes for the big picture, not focusing on individual pieces or positions, aiming for the final victory. The novice, however, fights for every inch, frequently switching between bullish and bearish positions, only seeking short-term gains, and often finds themselves trapped.

This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute trading advice. Trading based on this material is at your own risk!


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