The security of LayerZero ZK light nodes + oracle's dual-layer Relayer (relay layer) has withstood rigorous testing in a production environment.

1 day ago

The security of LayerZero's ZK light nodes and dual-layer Relayer (relay layer) has withstood rigorous testing in production environments, with no security incidents reported in the cross-chain bridge, a hotspot for hackers.

However, this high level of security is achieved through a trade-off between security, transparency, and decentralization, sacrificing some degree of transparency and decentralization. This aspect has previously faced collective skepticism from the crypto community.

As a short-term solution, LayerZero has launched a validator market with 35 entity providers, allowing developers of oAPPs (full-chain Dapps based on LayerZero) to freely choose validators that meet their needs.

Now, LayerZero is collaborating with EigenLayer to introduce the new primitive of crypto-economics DVN (Decentralized Validation Network) into LayerZero's validator market. This will be the first instance of DVN.

The crypto-economics DVN framework is a new primitive launched by EigenLayer that allows for the staking of diversified assets to enhance the economic security of cross-chain bridge Relayers.

LayerZero DVN will permit anyone to stake ZRO, EIGEN, and ETH into the staking smart contract without permission. If packet inconsistencies are detected, ZRO holders can vote on whether the staked assets should be slashed.

LayerZero DVN introduces four key mechanisms: staking, validation, veto, and slashing.

-- Staking: Stakers lock assets (such as ZRO, EIGEN, or ETH) in the DVN's AVS. These assets act as the "collateral" for the DVN, ensuring compliance.

-- Validation: Users or applications can trigger a round-trip message that starts from Ethereum, passes through the source chain and target chain, and finally returns to Ethereum. This process verifies whether the packet hash transmitted and validated by the DVN matches the on-chain record.

-- Veto: If issues are found in message validation, an independent veto contract on Ethereum will be triggered. Token holders can vote on whether the staked assets of the violating DVN should be slashed. This veto mechanism is crucial because sometimes blockchain reorganization can lead to packet mismatches, but that does not imply malicious behavior from the DVN.

-- Slashing: If the veto confirms a packet mismatch, the assets staked in the DVN's AVS will be slashed. This serves as the ultimate punishment for bad actors.

In the technical stack of DVN, the role of the Ethereum mainnet is to serve as the final settlement layer for cross-chain message validation, which is the source of DVN's trustless characteristics.

By introducing DVN, LayerZero can effectively achieve trust minimization in the Relayer layer, enhance the transparency of cross-chain messages, and reduce the consensus costs of the system. EigenLayer, in turn, finds practical application scenarios and representative instances for the AVS (a superset of DVN) primitive. The collaboration between the two will result in a win-win outcome.

That's all.


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