Dialogue dappOS: Easily understand what an intent execution network is?

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Conversation dappOS: Understanding What an Intent Execution Network Is?

Guest Introduction and Project Overview

Isabella: Hello everyone, I am Isabella, the co-founder of dappOS. dappOS is an intent execution network that provides users with the infrastructure to directly realize their intentions. The so-called "realizing intentions" means that users can obtain the desired results directly without having to execute the cumbersome intermediate operations step by step. The entire process is executed by nodes within the dappOS network.

Our project was established in 2022 and was selected for the Binance Labs incubator in the same year, receiving investment support from Binance Labs. This year, we also completed our latest round of financing, a Series A round led by Polychain Capital. Currently, our team consists of about 40 people spread across the globe, most of whom are technical developers.

Understanding What "Intent" Means

Isabella: This is a great question because it touches on the core of our discussion—the definition of intent. In our view, intent primarily refers to the final result that users want to achieve. For users, they are willing to pay a certain fee to obtain this clear result. An important related concept is "intent-centric." This concept means that when we design the interaction methods for Web3 products, we want users to be able to directly realize their intentions without worrying about the specific execution processes or steps.

I can illustrate the concept of intent and intent-centric interaction with a simple analogy. Suppose I am sitting in a car and I want to go to a certain place; that is my intent. In traditional interaction methods, I need to navigate, shift gears, press the accelerator, brake, turn the steering wheel, and even signal. In contrast, with an intent-centric approach, I only need to tell the driver where I want to go, and the driver will take care of driving. I do not need to worry about which route to take or how to operate the vehicle. This is what we are currently doing—building an underlying infrastructure to help users realize their intentions without having to deal with complex intermediate operations.

Our vision is to become the "Windows operating system" of the Web3 ecosystem. Our current core product is an intent operating system called Intent OS, which allows users to manage their assets and interact easily and conveniently with various DApps across multiple chains. Supporting all of this is our intent execution network. In Intent OS, every task submitted by users is transformed into an intent and submitted to the intent execution network. Many professional service providers in the network are responsible for executing users' tasks, and users do not need to worry about the specific execution details.

If a service provider fails to execute a task successfully, users can receive compensation from the funds staked by the service provider. This method not only allows users to interact with Web3 applications easily and efficiently but also ensures security. This is the functionality and potential we believe a Web3 operating system should possess. We are also continuously expanding the ecosystem and optimizing our products to provide users with the best experience.

The Intent Track is Quite Large and Diverse; What Specific Sub-Tracks Can It Be Divided Into? How Does It Differ from Chain Abstraction?

Isabella: The track is large, which actually indicates a strong and broad market demand in this field. Therefore, different people will interpret this track from different perspectives. Currently, popular discussions may focus on the concepts of "intent" and "chain abstraction," and I hope to explain these two concepts.

First, being intent-centric means that users can achieve their desired results in a simple and direct way without having to personally execute complex steps like transfers, cross-chain operations, or calculations. All these execution tasks are handled by professional third parties. Therefore, intent-centric is a philosophy, a conceptual idea that not only simplifies the user operation process but also focuses on improving execution efficiency, including reducing costs and increasing speed, as these are often part of the user's intent.

On the other hand, chain abstraction is a specific adjective used to describe a situation where users do not need to pay attention to details such as gas fees and cross-chain operations. We see chains, accounts, and DApps that implement chain abstraction, all of which fall under the category of chain abstraction. Under our intent-centric product definition, it inherently encompasses the characteristics of chain abstraction because our product design itself does not want users to focus on on-chain details. However, intent-centric goes beyond this; it further helps users reduce costs and improve efficiency in operational details.

In short, we believe the concept of intent is broader; it encompasses chain abstraction and is more comprehensive. In the intent track, projects can be roughly divided into two categories: one focuses on specific scenario intent solutions, such as some cross-chain protocols like Across protocol, or decentralized exchange trading solutions like CowSwap. These projects focus on intent solutions in specific scenarios. The other category is general intent infrastructure, which aims to help users improve the overall operational efficiency of Web3 and lower operational barriers in a more comprehensive way.

We at dappOS belong to the second category—general intent infrastructure. Compared to other intent infrastructure projects, we have advantages in some key points. There have been discussions in the industry regarding intent track protocols, which often require service providers to break down the execution steps on-chain, limiting their flexibility in execution and preventing them from providing execution solutions that users cannot achieve themselves. Therefore, compared to users executing themselves, service providers do not have significant advantages in speed and cost, and sometimes may even have disadvantages, failing to meet users' complete needs.

In designing the intent execution network for dappOS, we chose to forgo breaking down the execution process of service providers; we focus on the final results that users want to achieve. This way, service providers have more space to design solutions and can seek the optimal and most efficient execution paths across a broader range. The competition among service providers can also allow users to enjoy lower execution costs and faster execution speeds.

In addition, dappOS also has scale effects and network effects. Whether it is the intent execution network or the Web3 operating system, as the scale expands, the number of projects and service providers cooperating within the ecosystem will increase, allowing users to complete more operations in dappOS, with faster execution speeds and further reduced costs. This positive feedback will encourage more project parties to be willing to cooperate with us.

Currently, we also see some other intent architecture projects receiving financing. However, from our observations, most of these projects are still at the conceptual stage and are some distance away from actual product implementation. In contrast, we at dappOS have not only completed product implementation but have also established a considerable ecosystem. Over time, we are confident that we can maintain our leading position, and this advantage will become increasingly apparent.

The Market Refers to dappOS's Intent Assets as "Web3 Yu'ebao"; What Are Intent Assets? How Do They Differ from Yield Certificate Assets Like LRT?

Isabella: Comparing our dappOS intent assets to Yu'ebao is very apt. Let me first explain what dappOS's intent assets are. Intent assets are assets that allow users to earn returns while being seamlessly usable on-chain like native assets, all under a decentralized and non-custodial premise. For example, if a user holds 1,000 Intent USD, they can directly use these assets on the platform, such as opening contracts on GMX. Users do not need to go through complex steps like redemption or cross-chain operations as they would with other yield-bearing assets. If users do not have immediate usage needs, they can also enjoy interest rates similar to over 10% annualized.

For many traditional yield certificate assets, such as LRT, users typically need to perform a redemption operation to use these assets. This process often requires waiting for a period of time and sometimes enduring high slippage, which can cause a lot of inconvenience for users. Our intent assets do not have these issues. They allow users to use these assets directly on-chain without redemption.

It is very natural for the market to compare us to Yu'ebao because our intent assets indeed have similar advantages compared to some previous on-demand financial products in the industry. Although ordinary money market funds also provide instant returns, funds cannot be immediately used for consumption or transfers after being deposited unless redeemed first. The redemption process may require waiting for a period of time, and after completing the redemption, additional transfer operations may be necessary. In contrast, the familiar advantage of Yu'ebao is that users can not only earn returns from money market funds but also use the funds in Yu'ebao for payments or transfers at any time. You just need to scan a QR code, and the money in Yu'ebao can be used for payment. This provides a smoother user experience compared to some traditional on-demand financial products.

Our intent assets are like the funds in Yu'ebao; they can earn returns on-chain and be used seamlessly like native assets. Users can perform various operations on-chain with intent assets at any time, just as conveniently as using money from a bank card for consumption.

Another point I want to emphasize is that intent assets are essentially decentralized and non-custodial. Their security is guaranteed by decentralized on-chain contracts. The underlying structure of intent assets consists of a series of underlying assets, essentially functioning as a withdrawal certificate. Users can call contracts for minting or redemption without needing permission from dappOS. This means users can freely enter and exit without worrying that we will set up any mechanisms to obstruct their redemption.

Additionally, this design has the benefit that even if a single underlying yield asset encounters issues, the impact on users will be minimal. This is because our intent assets are composed of multiple underlying assets, avoiding single points of failure. Moreover, the underlying assets we currently use are all large projects, such as those listed on Binance or projects with TVL exceeding one billion dollars, like Pendle, BounceBit, and EtherFi, greatly enhancing security and reliability.

Can Intent Assets Be Used in DeFi Like Native Assets?

Isabella: Absolutely, intent assets can be used in various scenarios at any time, and this is guaranteed by our dappOS intent execution network. I can explain in more detail that when users want to redeem or use intent assets, the operations happening behind the scenes are actually users submitting a request to the intent execution network. At this point, various service providers will respond to this request and execute the operations, and there will be competition among service providers to ensure that users' needs are met in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.

The scope of intent assets is very broad, not limited to direct transfers, but also includes interactions with decentralized exchanges (DEX) and various platforms. For example, if you want to open a contract on GMX, you can directly enter GMX within our Intent OS and use your intent assets for operations. dappOS will automatically send your request to the intent execution network, where service providers will bid freely for the task and then execute your operation.

These professional service providers often have better execution methods than ordinary individual users. For instance, in the scenario of LRT redemption, professional service providers can first cover the funds needed for user redemption through low-cost loans and then redeem as large holders with the project party. This method can avoid slippage losses caused by insufficient on-chain liquidity.

Therefore, the dappOS intent execution network actually empowers individual users with institutional-level professional execution capabilities. In this way, all users can enjoy a higher quality experience in using intent assets, with improvements in both operational efficiency and cost control.

Currently, dappOS's intent assets mainly include ETH, BTC, and USDT/C stablecoins. Will more intent assets be introduced in the future? What are the criteria for introduction?

Isabella: When considering the introduction of new intent assets, we mainly evaluate from two aspects.

First, we consider whether the asset has sufficient acceptance and application scenarios. We want to choose assets that are widely accepted among users and have practical applications in different scenarios. Only in this way can users seamlessly use these assets across multiple on-chain scenarios, which aligns with our intent execution network philosophy.

Second, we look at whether the asset is supported by well-known large projects and whether its yield is sufficiently attractive. If an asset has a high yield and is backed by reliable, reputable projects, it will naturally meet our criteria for introducing new intent assets.

Additionally, some public chain tokens are also within our consideration range, as these tokens have significant application scenarios and market demand, making them potential asset categories for our next steps.

dappOS previously conducted some promotional activities with Binance Web3 Wallet. How effective were the results? Will there be any future user-oriented promotional plans?

Isabella: I am pleased to report our results. We believe this promotional activity was very successful, and we are very grateful for everyone's support. First, I want to be very transparent and tell you that this activity attracted over 200,000 new users to experience our products. Of course, during this process, there were inevitably some "arbitrage" users who came just to get rewards, but it is encouraging to find that these users had an average fund retention of around $50 within two weeks after completing tasks, showing not only no loss but even growth. For us, this is undoubtedly a very positive signal, proving that our product has indeed enhanced the user experience.

In addition, this activity was also an attempt to further collaborate with the Binance ecosystem, including cooperation with Binance Web3 Wallet, BNB Chain, and other projects. The Binance ecosystem is undoubtedly a very important force in the current industry, and we will continue to promote deep cooperation with Binance and its ecosystem. Moreover, this activity not only increased the visibility of dappOS, but many industry media and KOLs also noticed our popularity and studied and evaluated our work from different perspectives. At the same time, they provided us with valuable suggestions and feedback.

Next, our marketing plan is mainly divided into two aspects. First, we will continue to carry out joint interaction activities with various well-known DApp projects, which is our Rocket Campaign series. These activities guide users to interact with dappOS and partner projects, directly distributing rewards after the events. Additionally, we will regularly launch some large promotional activities, especially when new products are launched, such as the recent launch of intent assets. In the future, we also plan to launch an intent exchange, which will optimize the currently popular on-chain trading for intent, bringing users a smoother experience that everyone can look forward to.

dappOS Roadmap; More Information About the Intent Exchange; What is the Ultimate Goal of the Intent Network?

Isabella: Our future plans currently focus on two core aspects.

First, we will concentrate on forward-looking optimization and product expansion, aiming to meet user needs more deeply and comprehensively. We will continue to explore unmet needs in the current market and launch revolutionary products based on the intent execution network. For example, the intent assets we have already launched and the upcoming intent exchange are important attempts in this direction. Through these products, we hope to gradually unleash the technical potential of the dappOS intent infrastructure, thereby truly transforming the user experience and bringing practical and meaningful value to the entire industry.

Second, we will strategically expand ecosystem cooperation and user base, building strong scale effects and network effects. We plan to continuously attract more top projects to join our ecosystem while rapidly expanding our user base, making our intent operating system an important cornerstone in the Web3 world. In our vision, the ultimate goal of the intent network is to become the "Windows" of the Web3 world. We hope that in the future, every user will rely on dappOS for any operation and interaction in Web3, enjoying the convenience and efficiency it brings.

Vision and Original Intention

Isabella: I would also like to add why I initially chose to pursue this direction. Before this, I had been working in major tech companies in Silicon Valley, serving as a software engineer at Google. Some of the products I participated in, such as Google Search, Google Maps, Gmail, and YouTube, are all products with over a billion users worldwide. While working on these projects, I deeply realized that for a technology or product to truly generate significant value, it must allow a sufficient number of users to enjoy the convenience it brings and provide an excellent user experience. I believe this is the mission of mature technological development.

As a technical worker, I have always hoped to take this mission as my life goal. I want to bring convenience and a very friendly, smooth user experience to the Web3 world, just like in Web2. I want Web3 to no longer be a small circle or niche field but to serve more users.

I firmly believe that a technology only has true vitality when it creates real value for users and brings tangible convenience. This is also the reason I have consistently worked hard in this direction. Moreover, I am very fortunate that my team is also working towards this goal and mission. Therefore, we hope everyone can pay more attention to us, and in the future, we will launch more products and hold more events, hoping to bring the next level of user experience to the industry together.


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