Will the takeoff of the copycat lead to a full-scale crash?

3 hours ago

Hot spot spot

Sats is currently running in a bullish channel and can be bought and held appropriately.
Wld can be paid attention to, as it has bottomed several times.
Pay attention to the situation of Core breaking the downtrend line, and the opportunity will come.
Pay attention to People.
Pay attention to Meme.
Cfx can be focused on whether it can break through and stabilize at 0.19280. If it stabilizes, you can pay attention to entering the market.

The above four spot markets have been around for more than ten days. If you just saw them, do not blindly enter the market. You can leave a message or join the village for communication.

Market analysis

The above picture is the four-hour chart of Bitcoin. You can refer to the areas I circled above. Overall, Bitcoin is still running upwards, but please note that it has been consolidating at high levels for several days. Currently, it is oscillating upwards in a triangular pattern. In the case of high-level stagnation, I think everyone can trade short-term back and forth. In the evening, the layout strategy is to focus on the range oscillation of 65400-66000 in the short term, while the trend is 66450-63700 at the high level. In the past few days, I have mainly laid out short positions at high levels, with long positions as a supplement. I have always kept the chips controlled at 3-5%. Actually, if you think about it from a different perspective, you can understand that if it breaks through the high point, the profit space is only about a thousand dollars, but if it goes down, the support is at 65400-64500-637, and recently it can be seen at 61500, which is a space of five thousand points, right? So in terms of layout, I will continue to test the space above and lay out high short positions. Everyone should take this as a reference, and remember to defend well! 😄 I basically use naked K and channels to lay out with everyone, and I rarely use MA and Bollinger Bands because they have strong lag. So if you want to see them, you can leave a message, and I can bring them next time. Please note that this article has lag, so it should be used as a reference. You can follow the "Green Bubble" public account for daily updates 🔍 [Coin to Money View]

Resistance level: 66000-68000
BTC support level: 63700

The second chart is for ETH, which is somewhat different. First, look at the structural chart on the chart, you can see that different trend structures have formed multiple times. So the most important thing for everyone to layout intraday is to pay attention to whether the upper 2670 can stand firm again. If it can stand firm, then continue to look for upward fillings. If it cannot stand firm, but instead breaks through the short-term support of 2629, then focus on the downward trend. It is recommended to empty the position first and wait. When the direction is clear, enter the market. So for the big trend, pay attention to whether the 2590 line can break through. If it doesn't break, then position yourself defensively at this level. If it breaks, you can continue to reverse the position. The recent upper pressure has always been around the 2704 line, which can be paid attention to. Personally, I am more inclined to short positions. Take it as a reference, brothers. I basically focus on trends and spot markets, so the reference is much greater than the practice. If you want to follow me in and out, you can leave a message to join the village! When others are greedy, I am fearful. When others are fearful, I am greedy. Remember, if you don't understand, you can leave a message to communicate, and you can also communicate on the same name on the entire network! Pay attention to the risk! Please remember! Please give me a thumbs up for this article, and share it with others.

ETH resistance level: 2702-2790
ETH support level: 2590

The picture above, those who understand will understand. I don't know where everyone went for the National Day, but I am ready to play games with the "Dog King". I will open a small position separately and start a small class in the village to challenge the holiday turnover. After all, people in the currency circle eat well during holidays and go out to have fun during workdays, hehehe. If you are interested, feel free to contact me anytime, National Day begins.

Personal introduction

Graduated from the Finance Department of Nanjing University, formerly served as a risk management expert at Shanghai Yimeng Securities and a private wealth advisor.

First invested in BTC in 2015 and has been focusing on the currency circle for nine years. Crossed multiple bull and bear markets.

Integrates profound financial expertise and sufficient industry experience into actual combat.

Helps students quickly master trading skills and improve trading systems.

Trading style: Good at building structured thinking, self-created financial trading course Naked K Warfare, etc.

For business negotiations, search for the same name v public account [Coin to Money View]

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Search for the same name v public account [Coin to Money View]

Also, please give me a thumbs up + in view + share with others 👌😂 The links and advertisements below do not belong to me personally. Please pay attention to distinguishing them.


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