Yueying: AICoin breaks the previous high and continues to see an uptrend. Auntie, pay attention to whether the top pressure can be broken.

4 hours ago

In a person's self-discipline, there is infinite potential. The level of your self-discipline determines the height of your life.

There are no shortcuts in life, but every step you take counts.

The more diligent and hardworking you are, the more disciplined and outstanding you become. I am Zhou Yueying, focusing on the trend analysis of mainstream coins, and providing insights into the market based on my own technical expertise.

First release on the official account. For friends who want to verify my strength, follow the official account at the end of the article to find Yueying. There are irregular real-time price strategy suggestions in the Moments every day. Yueying's strategies are precise, without ambiguous ranges or nearby areas. If you like Yueying, you can follow. Let's see today's sharing!

Bitcoin Technical Analysis————

On the daily chart, Bitcoin's previous candle closed as a solid bullish candle, breaking through the previous high and the small range of oscillation. After the opening, it continued to test upwards. The Bollinger Bands are opening upwards, and the short-term moving average is maintaining an upward trend. The MACD fast and slow lines are extending above the zero axis, and the volume bars are once again increasing. The KDJ is turning upwards above the 80 value, and the VR index is consolidating near the 180 value. On the 4-hour chart, the market slowly rose after receiving support at the lower band of the Bollinger Bands. The Bollinger Bands are in an open state, and the short-term moving average is moving upwards. The MACD fast and slow lines have changed their previous pattern and are running upwards after crossing. The volume bars have increased for the second time, and the KDJ is maintaining an upward trend, paying attention to the resistance near the 100 value. The VR index is consolidating near the 110 value. Overall, the market is still maintaining an upward trend, and it is recommended to focus on buying on dips in the short term. The short-term support is around 64500-64000, so pay attention to this range and consider short-term suggestions.

Short-term suggestion for Bitcoin: Long at 64500 (activate the strategy for self-profit taking)

Ethereum Technical Analysis————

As for Ethereum, it still shows the previous performance. Bitcoin has broken the previous high, while Ethereum's rebound strength is still weaker. Nevertheless, there is still a correlation, so the general trend should not deviate too much. Technical reference can be made to Bitcoin. The resistance at the previous high should be given more attention for now. Even if it is broken, do not blindly chase after it. When going long, try to wait for confirmation of support after a pullback. Based on the candlestick pattern, the strong support in the short term is around 2550-2530. As long as this support is not broken, the bullish view can be maintained. Otherwise, caution is needed. For more aggressive short-term strategies, consider entering the support zone around 2580. Consider short-term suggestions.

Short-term suggestion for Ethereum: Long at 2595 (activate the strategy for self-profit taking)

——I am Zhou Yueying, a teacher dedicated to technical analysis. If you have any questions about operations or trends, feel free to communicate and learn with me! Let's exchange ideas and profit together! Official account: I am Zhou Yueying

Article publication is subject to review delays, and market conditions change rapidly. The above suggestions are for reference only, and risks are self-assumed! The market changes constantly every day. All I can do is to provide some weak assistance based on my years of practical experience, guiding everyone's investment decisions and management in the right direction. Meeting is fate. I believe in fate. If you have any doubts or questions in the coin circle, you can pay more attention to Zhou Yueying, and I believe it will be helpful to you.


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