As AI research continues to accelerate and development milestone timelines continue to be brought forward we move ever closer to jobmageddonNo matter where rates are - 3%

13 days ago

As AI research continues to accelerate and development milestone timelines continue to be brought forward we move ever closer to jobmageddon

No matter where rates are - 3%, 0% or negative, there will be no fiscal or monetary policy based solution to prevent the fastest destruction of global employment in human history that is coming over the next 2 years

2 years is some time out but the AI impact on the labor market is already being felt and I expect the market to sniff this out much sooner. Just take a look at the tech sector, stock prices have full sent the past 2 years, yet the workforce has stagnated. Most developers have been using AI tools to increase their productivity by 20-400% and that will only increase with most developers soon becoming redundant. The impact on global wages will be more extreme than that of war or global pandemic.

AI driven job replacement will be one of the biggest macro events of not just the next year but of the entire history of markets. Eventually I hope this can be solved through UBI, but until then, prepare for a rocky road

