The market is on the edge of a riot, focusing on tonight's non-farm report - Web3 Leaderboard on September 6th.

6 months ago

1# Daily Hottest Varieties

There are no popular varieties on the list today, and the market is focusing on the non-farm report tonight at 8:30.

2# Daily Dragon and Tiger List

Although the market is weak, there are still some new varieties that are shining in the spot market. It is a pity that with their concepts and market values, it is difficult to drive the main market trend. These shallow and easily manipulated currencies, although they seem to have a high increase, it is difficult to obtain such profits. They are only suitable for long-term investment or quick in and out.

3# Daily Hot Sector Rotation

There are no hot sectors today, but market fluctuations are intensifying. Before and after the release of non-farm data, there is a high probability of significant abnormal market movements. Be alert to unexpected market trends.

4# Daily Market Sentiment

The market is still in a state of anxiety between long and short positions. Although most leading sectors are in a main downward trend, some investors still hold hope for the future before the non-farm data is released. The market is unpredictable and uncertain, and only one's own trading rules remain unchanged. Adapting to changes with an unchanging approach can help to see through the clouds and calm down.

Risks and opportunities coexist. Pay attention to the daily dragon chasing in the Web3, use objective data to reveal market trends, and welcome to join the leading low-suction system strategy group to get Bit Wave trading strategy breakthrough prompts.


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