Faust hereby solemnly declares:

6 months ago

Faust solemnly declares:

The conflicts between me and Chen Jian, KJ, and others either occurred before the launch of "Geek Web3" or happened over half a year ago. There were indeed conflicts between us before, and I did criticize them.

In the past few months, I have had no interaction with them, and it has been a state of "no contact." There is no so-called "persistent and continuous harassment."

I haven't been active in the circle for the past 4 months, so where does the claim of "continuous harassment" come from? I hope that the accusations against me can be objective and fair. If I have indeed "persistently pursued and harassed" someone, please provide evidence from the recent few months, rather than bringing up long-forgotten matters to accuse me of "continuously harassing and attacking others."

Furthermore, I have had disagreements with many people and engaged in battles, but afterwards, we simply stopped interacting with each other.

However, I refuse to accept baseless accusations against me. If it is said that "if you want to add a crime, you can always find a pretext," then I have nothing to say because I did have conflicts with some people in the past, and these people have held grudges against me for one or two years.

Bringing personal grudges to accuse me is unacceptable, and any baseless accusations can be made.

However, I cannot accept being portrayed as someone who "relentlessly pursues and attacks anyone with differing opinions and never lets go."

I usually prefer to unfriend and block people and simply ignore those with whom I disagree. This does not reach the level of so-called "demon" or "relentless pursuit."

If someone simply wants to harm me, then I welcome it. You can even stab me offline with a knife, but please do not make jokes using public tweets, as this constitutes online violence.


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