Ever wonder what's the best day for a public hospital?When all the patients die

19 days ago

Ever wonder what's the best day for a public hospital?

When all the patients die.

Then the hospital gets higher funding to 'improve' the stats.

But for private hospitals, it's simple: no patients - no money. The system is built on different incentives.

This is very similar to the current Lending markets landscape.

Old-generation lending markets want you to be liquidated so they can make record-high earnings. Then they’ll tell you they have the best protocol because it's 'safe' and generates high revenue. But their liquidation revenue is just money taken from you.

They treat borrowers as second-tier users, applying ~10% liquidation bonuses to wipe you out of the markets as soon as possible. Old-generation lending markets are the public hospitals of DeFi.

By analogy, @0xfluid is the best private hospital in the world. We designed a system where borrowers get the best treatment with up to 97% LT and as low as 0.1% Liquidation Penalties. We don’t need to liquidate users to make money — we need borrowers to keep using the platform.

Haven’t switched to Fluid yet? Then you’re still being treated like shit.

