We are going to reach some serious levels of mental retardation for memecoins this cycleThink of the Memecoin ecosystem as essentially a Skill-based Global Lottery Platform

4 months ago

We are going to reach some serious levels of mental retardation for memecoins this cycle

Think of the Memecoin ecosystem as essentially a Skill-based Global Lottery Platform. Players get to decide which lottery brand they want to buy tickets in, but the payouts and odds aren't the same. That's where the skill comes in - the jackpot winners don't come from pure luck, but ability and everyone believes that they can find the next winner. And the more people that they get to buy the same tickets at them, the more likely they and their friends win - that's the best feeling - winning together. It's a mullti player money game with virality built in.

Study the scale of the traditional global lottery industry. It generated $300 billion in sales in 2020 - with half the population of the US playing. Now imagine the valuations of memecoins if a capital injection of that scale were to flow into them.

Last cycle was actually the test pump for memecoins - kind of like bitcoin's test run to $100-1000. This time we get the real pump after there's been a cycle proving their product market fit, how they've changed lives and increasing global acceptance.

I believe that memecoins are going to outperform everything else in crypto by a wide margin. The masses won't care about the 4th liquid restaking derivative or whatever fancy new technology that results in some benefit in throughput. They won't fall for the 10000th DeFi farm which even retail know are self referential ponzi like house of cards. Memecoins are just a much more pure and upfront speculative vehicle. Those that are overweight DeFi/L1s are at massive underperformance risk. Could very well see $ETH moving 50% from here while memecoins return 5-100x in size.

This cycle, we will see a new generation of new money memecoin elites being minted just like many of the old guard/whales were minted with $BTC, $ETH, $SOL

