Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

8 months ago

01. Why can't your plate rise?

If you have friends in Shenzhen, you may have encountered this kind of "zhuang". They made money in the last cycle and then told you what model/product is hot in the market, and they want to do something similar, make some changes, add old models and promotion systems, and that's it.

The result is often that after spending a long time developing, preparing materials, and connecting with the community leaders, when they are ready to start the project, they find that the market cannot be promoted, the cost is extremely high, and the capital cannot be raised.

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

02. Think from the perspective of leeks

The reason for the problem is very simple: the plate design only stands from the perspective of the plate owner, ignoring the potential audience of this plate (leeks). You should not consider leeks who are willing to buy "hot projects", but the effective leeks that your plate can reach (VC calls this the total attainable market, TAM).

You see other people's leeks are fragrant, but you find that your own field is full of potatoes. The sickle is useless, you need a shovel.

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

03. Starting a plate is entrepreneurship!

So, starting a plate is essentially no different from entrepreneurship. You need to know who the reachable market is, understand their needs, propose a solution, and finally come up with a market strategy.

Therefore, when considering starting a plate, we should follow this line of thinking:

First: The question to consider is what leeks I can reach, what are their needs (who to make money from)

Second: Then think about the collapse model (how to make money)

Third: Then design the three-plate model (how to make money)

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

04. Three-level audience segmentation

So how do you analyze the audience? First, you need to have a concept of the TAM leek pool radiation surface. This pool is divided into three levels based on the distance from the zhuangjia group (zhuangjia group includes the team itself, market leaders, and KOL media that can be effectively mobilized).

A can be directly called: This theme can be directly promoted.

B can be reached but not directly involved: Information can be radiated, but whether to get involved depends on the project.

C cannot be reached: Need to expand the circle.

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

05. How should the zhuangjia group be formed?

With the model in place, the next step is to establish the boundaries of the zhuangjia group. The number of people in this zhuangjia group is not the more the better. As the ancients said, "secrecy leads to success", the ideal state is "few people, wide radiation". The ideal zhuangjia team members should:

  • Have bound interests and be consistent
  • Have a larger range of A+B (see the previous image)
  • Listen to the zhuang's command and be able to win the battle (eliminate free riders)
  • Not exceed 7 people (usually, there will be problems with scheduling with more than 7 people in the internal team)

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

06. Leading a group is the only criterion to test strength

This explains the team and financing choices of many projects, such as why a project chooses XX as an advisor, and why it kicked out other VCs to make room for a certain big V or exchange. Because they can greatly expand A+B and even cover the original C. Therefore, the ability to attract leeks (including retail investors and market-making institutions) is the only criterion to test VCs, KOLs, and exchanges. This is also the reason for the institutionalization and KOL-ization of institutions (and the reason for the existence of "open-source sickles").

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

07. Unlimited themes, but limited leeks

At this time, no matter what project it is, the "narrow TAM" of this zhuangjia group should be the total sum of all members of A+B. Why is it narrow? Because only the current radiation surface of this group is considered; why is it "TAM"? Because for a specific theme, not all people in this radiation surface will probably buy in.

However, the market changes quickly, the theme selection is unlimited, and your leek pool is constant. You need a test to evaluate your radiation surface.

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

08. Four criteria for rating radiation surface

From a pure coin perspective, I summarize these standards as 4 points in order:

  • Values: Is it against tradition? Is it accepting of coins?
  • Cognition: Will they deposit and withdraw money, use wallets, or only use exchanges? How to build trust? Will the project be able to handle cross-chain transactions?
  • Source of information: Twitter, Telegram, or WeChat groups and Moments?
  • User risk preference: More like debt or equity investors? What is the demand for return period and annualized return? Market-making or pure signal calling?

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

09. The community form is determined by leeks

Answering these questions will help you decide on the collapse model and the trade-offs of the three plates. For example, most of the CX community in Shenzhen in 2019:

  • Mostly individual individuals, can accept coins
  • Most need market leaders to help with deposits and withdrawals, will use exchanges. The way trust is established tends to be traditional and requires endorsement. The threshold for project rights protection is relatively low.
  • Users are more like debt investors but accept small equity games, with a daily return requirement of 1%. Most understand the CX system and are more inclined to signal calling.

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

10. Leek cognition improvement leads to model upgrade

Therefore, the main plate models in Shenzhen from 2019 to 2020 were financial management plates (Plustoken), mall rebates and dividend plates, and dividend plates with split features (Huahuo, Galaxy). These plates meet the following criteria:

  • Pure coin deposits and withdrawals
  • A centralized experience similar to an exchange, easy to insert various endorsements, and the user rights protection threshold is too low, so no matter how the pump runs, it's almost the same
  • CX market structure and stable daily dividends, using split plates for signal calling to earn turnover and dissipate foam

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

11. Trigger model is also important for plate creation

The radiation surface of the zhuangjia leek pool determines what plate he can make, rather than the zhuangjia wanting to make a plate and then throwing it to the community to promote, which is putting the cart before the horse.

Furthermore, being able to talk about "radiation" inevitably involves a dissemination problem. Dissemination determines how big the plate can be and how much it can earn. First, A area does not need to consider dissemination issues, mainly B and C areas. How to make more B and C areas:

  • See - Channels
  • Approve - Information

- Get on the bus - Trigger

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

12. Information correctness is not important, it is more important to match leek cognition

Dissemination is also based on the audience, so you can use the test in 8/. It is difficult to accurately evaluate the behavior of B and C, so the focus is on values and cognition.

The crypto community often captures anti-authority, non-institutionalized, and socially marginalized groups, who are less likely to unconditionally trust authority and more likely to refuse to accept institutional pricing of individuals, similar to the situation described in Haber's tax.

When your information matches the above characteristics, you can get close to them.

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

13. It doesn't matter if the community slogan is the same

This is why the slogans in the pure crypto community, regardless of the project, are basically about decentralization, fairness, and no need, rather than applications, efficiency, and order. This is determined by the audience, not bias. Metaphysically speaking, this type of audience, I call them "new humans" (newtype in Gundam), a new stage of human evolution. Their economic form is the financialization of everything, and every action is to earn. It's not that they are more profit-oriented.

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

14. For a living, not for cold mixing

As new humans, they pursue sovereign pricing and free pricing in all aspects of economic life. The old humans wholesale their time and energy to companies/organizations, while the new humans demand pricing and profit sharing. From an external perspective, it gives the impression that "people in the crypto circle only care about making money and playing plates". The old humans live to eat, and the new humans also live to eat, just in a different way. First solve the problem of eating, then talk about desires.

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

15. Making money by cutting leeks, going bankrupt by doing real things

From this point, it is not difficult to understand why those who loudly advocated non-financial applications, Web3 games, and Web3 social media all failed. Essentially, they did not understand the demands of their audience, and they talked about playability and social stickiness without considering economic factors, which is meaningless to new humans.

Just look at @warpcast_pure decentralized social media, no one cares, but once the social dog launchpad is launched, it becomes famous. And look at Lens, without issuing coins, it's just waiting for a hat:

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

16. High-end leeks go online

Understanding this point is the way, the rest is just tactics.

If your B+C audience meets the "new human" standard, then your information needs to highlight the values in 14/, which is why memes are strong in crypto - they are both information and triggers. Here, memes are in a broad sense, your plate system, endorsement stories, and teams are all part of the meme, in order to maximize dissemination.

Channels that these people are easy to find: Twitter, TikTok, Reddit, etc.

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

17. Traditional leeks go offline

If your audience is not new humans, then you need to use a more traditional and more rights-oriented approach

  • Offline channels: Ground promotion, conferences + booths
  • Online: Online courses, slogan-style communities, focused chats

The main purpose of the information conveyed is to suppress the authoritative discourse of the audience and form a face-to-face trust structure between leaders and teams. What is needed here is information asymmetry.

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

Of course, the problem with this model is the high cost. Although buying traffic in the pure coin network is expensive, the upfront cost of offline promotion is even more outrageous, and the radiation surface is small. A large number of leeks eat hospitality, and the community leader takes the lead and is uncontrollable.

This means that the project's customer unit price in the ground promotion model must be high, and a high customer unit price requires a strong trust and endorsement. The ultimate solution to this problem is focused chats. It is efficient, controllable, and cost-effective.

Cryptocurrency only does three things: cults, Ponzi schemes, and casinos?

18. Take care of the old leeks

Interestingly, for many traditional users who play pure plates, the original users in the crypto circle are also authorities. This means that it is feasible to use degen-type projects to modify according to user risk preferences, and to use a more authoritative dissemination path, because of natural information asymmetry. Of course, the premise is that the modification must retain the coolness of the crypto native, and make it understandable to the older generation, not just focusing on one side.


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