Lynette Zang: Hyperinflation Looms as US Dollar’s Purchasing Power Dwindles


In a recent interview with Michelle Makori, lead anchor and editor-in-chief at Kitco News, Lynette Zang outlined her belief that hyperinflation is an unavoidable outcome of the current economic climate, driven by continuous money printing and mounting debt. Zang, who has extensively studied currency life cycles, pointed to Federal Reserve charts showing the dollar’s purchasing power nearing zero.

She emphasized that the erosion of value is not speculative, but rather documented by the Fed, which reveals that only 3% of the dollar’s original purchasing power remains. “This is what the official government data will tell us,” she stated, underscoring that this decline signals the approaching end of the dollar’s life cycle.

“I believe with all my heart and everything that I know that we’ve already begun the transition to hyperinflation,” Zang told Makori during the interview. “We’re going to see more borrowing, more money printing, more inflation because they have not killed that beast that they created and continue to create.”

Zang added:

It’ll become very obvious in 2025.

Zang highlighted the patterns that have led to this point, noting the compounding debt and increasing reliance on inflationary measures to sustain the economy. “The only tools left for central banks are money printing and lowering interest rates,” she explained, adding that these actions further erode purchasing power and confidence in the system. Zang warned that once public confidence is lost, hyperinflation will accelerate.

Drawing from historical examples, she predicts that hyperinflation could exceed 50% per month, with 2025 marking a critical turning point when the effects will become visible to the general public. Moreover, Zang described how previous periods of inflation and financial instability have often led to currency resets, where a new form of money replaces the old. She speculated that the next phase could involve a shift toward central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which would grant governments unprecedented control over individual transactions.

“We’re heading toward a feudal system,” Zang said, warning that CBDCs, combined with declining faith in fiat currencies, could strip citizens of financial autonomy. Despite these grim forecasts, Zang advocates for individuals to prepare by diversifying into gold and silver, which she believes will provide a hedge against the coming economic turmoil.

Check out the full interview with Lynette Zang and Michelle Makori below.

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