Former Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison Requests Leniency, Asks for No Prison Sentence


In a detailed court filing submitted by Caroline Ellison’s legal team, they outline her cooperation with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as central to their request for leniency. Ellison’s attorneys stated that she met with prosecutors more than twenty times, providing critical evidence and insights into the operations of Alameda Research and FTX, which helped the government bring further charges against former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried.

The memo stressed that Ellison’s cooperation was instrumental in understanding the extent of the financial crimes that occurred within the companies, citing her willingness to testify truthfully in court. Ellison’s legal team also highlighted her acceptance of personal responsibility for her actions. The filing described her remorse and deep regret for her role in defrauding FTX customers, noting that Ellison has expressed a commitment to making amends.

Her lawyers further pointed out that she was transparent in her disclosures, never minimizing her involvement. She played a key role in efforts to recover funds for FTX’s bankruptcy estate and has forfeited most of her savings, including the significant bonuses she received at Alameda Research. The court filing further argued that Ellison’s cooperation came at a personal cost, with her enduring intense public scrutiny and media attention.

“Caroline’s participation in the criminal conspiracies at Alameda Research is a dramatic departure from her otherwise law-abiding nature,” Ellison’s attorney concludes. “She poses no risk of recidivism. Sending Caroline to prison is entirely unnecessary, either for specific deterrence or to safeguard the public.”

