For the past 18 months


For the past 18 months, I've done my best to keep investors on the right side of the uptrend while constantly planning for potential downside.

The takeaway: stay long & strong and buy great assets.

The catalysts, broadly, were:

• Disinflation

• Resilient macro

• Uptrend market characteristics

This viewpoint faced a lot of criticism (and it still does)...

"but XYZ looks terrible!"

Yada yada yada.

How has that fear-based approach worked out?

Yes, I've been overly optimistic at certain points during this uptrend and I've also made incorrect calls during the rally, but I've put my work out into the world and shared it all here on X or on Subst&ck.

If that's been valuable to you, I'm honored.

If that's been something you've successfully faded, I'm happy for you.

The entire process has been laid out, piece by piece.

I've been reflecting a lot on this whole journey of sharing market analysis and my commentary online.

Whether you're following along here and never like my posts or if you have notifications on and like every single one (shoutout to you guys/gals), just know that I'd be doing this even if I only had 5 followers.

That's literally how I started.

Sometimes I'm brash and poke fun of certain narratives.

I apologize if that rubs you the wrong way, but I'm not going to change that.

I'm competitive and this is a competitive game.

Us vs. them and may the best team win.

Nonetheless, I'm super grateful to have a captive audience on here and to be able to build relationships with so many of you over the years with our common interest of the market.

It's one hell of a game.

Let's keep winning.

New research drops tomorrow, completely for free.

Click the link in my bio to make sure you receive it.

