Is it bearish when the Dow Jones Industrial Average $DIA gains more than +1% while making new all-time highs?Bear market: January 5


Is it bearish when the Dow Jones Industrial Average $DIA gains more than +1% while making new all-time highs?

Bear market: January 5, 2022 - October 13, 22 = 194 trading days

Bull market: October 14, 2022 - Present = 471 trading days.

If someone has been bearish since January 5, 2022, they've been wrong for twice as long as they were right, urging investors to stay sidelined, underexposed, or even short the stock market during a ~2 year bull market.

It's irresponsible, erroneous, and embarrassing... yet they continue to beat the same drum about an imminent recession, an impending collapse, and a nasty bear market.

Their heads are buried so deep into the sand.

Stay focused on what matters.

Asset prices & spreads.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

