Russia Expands Digital Ruble Pilot With New Features: Widespread Use Expected in 2025


The Bank of Russia, the Russian central bank, announced earlier this month that it will expand the pilot program for the country’s central bank digital currency (CBDC), the digital ruble, which will involve up to 9,000 individuals and 1,200 companies. New features such as transfers and payments via QR code will be tested. Full implementation for all users is expected in the second half of 2025.

“The pilot will feature new operations,” the Bank of Russia said, translated by Google. The central bank elaborated:

Now participants will have access not only to opening, closing and replenishing digital ruble accounts, transfers between citizens, payment for goods and services, simple auto payments, but also payment via dynamic QR code, as well as transfers between companies.

Anatoly Aksakov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Financial Markets, remarked that the project is progressing successfully, with demand growing significantly due to ongoing sanctions. He noted that the digital ruble tool will quickly integrate into daily life.

Aksakov explained that the limited number of participants in the early phase ensures the infrastructure can be tested properly. The parliamentarian explained:

More and more people and companies will be involved. I can say that next year the number of participants will again grow several times.

“From the second half or closer to the end of 2025, if no, let’s say, incidents occur, the digital ruble will become truly widespread and everyone who wants to will be able to use it,” he concluded.

