Elon Musk Agrees to Head Donald Trump’s D.O.G.E. Government Efficiency Commission


Former U.S. President Donald Trump announced on Thursday during his speech at the Economic Club of New York that he will create a government efficiency commission with Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk if elected president.

Trump said:

At the suggestion of Elon Musk … I will create a government efficiency commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms.

“We need to do it, can’t go on the way we are.” Noting that the Tesla billionaire has given him “his complete and total endorsement,” Trump further remarked:

Elon, because he’s not very busy, has agreed to head that task force.

Musk frequently promoted the idea of a government efficiency commission on X since proposing it to Trump during an interview on the platform. The Tesla CEO opined: “The Department of Government Efficiency will be epic.”

Elon Musk Agrees to Head Donald Trump's D.O.G.E. Government Efficiency Commission

Musk’s creation of the Department of Government Efficiency, abbreviated as D.O.G.E., sparked enthusiasm among Dogecoin supporters. Musk, often referred to as the “Dogefather,” has been a prominent advocate for the cryptocurrency.

In another post, Musk wrote: “If anyone feels strongly about keeping a government department, they can speak up.” He has voiced strong concerns about the state of government finances, stating:

At current rates of government spending, America is in the fast lane to bankruptcy. Government overspending is what causes inflation.

According to Trump’s advisers, the main goal of the commission will be to analyze government functions and seek ways to save taxpayer money. The commission’s formation is part of Trump’s broader economic strategy, which includes plans to reduce taxes, increase tariffs, and repeal the Inflation Reduction Act. Trump also emphasized that the commission’s first task would be to eliminate fraud and improper payments within six months.

