AI Agent product Manus announces charging plan: two packages of $39 and $199

律动BlockBeats|Mar 28, 2025 09:10
BlockBeats News: On March 28th, Al Agent product "Manus" announced its pricing plan. ManusStarter charges $39 per month and can earn 3900 points. It can run up to 2 tasks simultaneously. ManusPro charges $199 per month and can earn 19900 points. It can run up to 5 tasks simultaneously and supports high investment mode and other testing features. Integral is the standard unit of measurement used in Manus, and the more complex or time-consuming the task, the more integral points are required.
According to its official website, for the complex task of designing and deploying a unique personal website, it costs 600 points and lasts for 40 minutes. (Blue Whale News)
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