Back then, I would stay up all night at the internet café playing Age of Empires II, and I concluded that if you couldn't determine the winner in the Castle Age and entered the late Imperial Age, it would come down to resource management. With a dozen barracks and a dozen javelin thrower camps, it was all about pikemen and javelin throwers. High-tech weapons like rangers, camels, castle knights, and musketeers were useless; it was all about mass troop tactics, which consumed wood.
Similarly, as the Russia-Ukraine conflict continues today, NATO's high-tech weapons are too expensive and too few to be effective. It's like the Sten submachine gun used by Britain in World War II; it was as useless as it could get. Could an old industrial empire not produce good submachine guns? Absolutely not. Churchill said that weapons are consumables that don't need to be of high quality; they need to be cheap and easy to produce.