Crucial period for Solana:Solana moving from monolithic blockchain scaling to a modular approach narrative is being debated right now

Crucial period for Solana:

Solana moving from monolithic blockchain scaling to a modular approach narrative is being debated right now.

Which framing will prevail?

Will the "Network extension" naming prevail in the minds of the larger crypto community?

Or will Layer 2 framing like those on Ethereum win?


It matters because Solana moving away from a monolithic narrative puts it in an ambiguous position that Ethereum has found itself in during this cycle:

$ETH was stuck between $BTC and $SOL during this bull run.

BTC was "better money" for less conservative and institutional investors, and SOL as a faster, simpler, and cheaper smart contract platform with higher upside than ETH.

If Solana narrative shifts from a monolithic model to scaling with L2s (like Ethereum), $SOL could become the new $ETH.

We'll need to see how these Network Extensions or L2s affect Solana ecosystem in practice.

If Solana faces liquidity fragmentation, worsened user experience due to bridging, and other negative effects similar to what L2s bring to Ethereum, then SOL is truly in limbo.

In this scenario, Ethereum remains a safer option for long-term asset storage than Solana: ETH is more decentralized and experiences no downtime.

Plus, if degens start chasing "network extension" tokens for $SOL beta instead of buying $SOL, it could stagnate SOL's price growth.

$ETH suffered from beta chasing effect this cycle.


I might be wrong, but I believe the odds are against the Solana's "PR team."

Austin himself mentioned that Network Extensions "bring new execution environments, specialized processing, etc." which to a normie retail investor sound like an L2.

But again, I will wait and see if this "network extension" approach ends up in fragmented liquidity, worsen UX, and a growth of "SOL beta" chasing narrative.


Finally, Solana's shift to a modular scaling approach creates an opportunity for a new monolithic scaling champion in the eyes of crypto community.

Could this be the perfect moment for Monad to launch?

Or will another Layer 1 blockchain seize the monolithic chain crown from Solana?

Exciting! We are experiencing the "truth" being debated in real time.

In the end, the facts might matter less than what the community believes to be true.

