L2s suck for liquidity fragmentation but this might not be a big issue long term


L2s suck for liquidity fragmentation but this might not be a big issue long term.

First, solutions like OP Superchain and Polygon's AggLayer are in works to unify liquidity across L2s.

But even with fragmented liquidity, it might not be a huge problem.


These "L2 fragments liquidity" critics often forget that in CeFi, too, liquidity is also spread across different exchanges like Binance, Bybit, Coinbase, and OKx.

Although large market sells cause temporary price wicks, prices typically converge quickly across CEXes as arbitrageurs swiftly balance out prices.

Similarly, prices on multiple L2s tend to converge relatively fast while arbitrageurs take advantage of price divergence.

It can cause a worse price for large orders but more DEXes already support TWAP trading or limit orders.

For most retail trading a few thousand USD, fragmented liquidity isn't a problem.

Plus, strong competition among bridges leads to lower fees and quicker bridging, enabling more efficient arbitrage (and better prices).

Yes, occasional liquidations could happen if large orders are done on spot, but it's the same problem we currently have with CEXes.

And current lending protocols offer a price oracle leeway of a few block confirmations when executing liquidations (right?).

So, with improving bridging it gives enough time to arbitrage the price before liquidation occurs.


We also forget that liquidity begets liquidity. It means that liquidity won't be equality split among tens or hundreds of L2s.

Instead, liquidity will likely consolidate on Ethereum Mainnet and just a few L2s that focus on DeFi and trading, while other L2s might focus on non-trading activities.


Finally, it's annoying when a token is only tradable on one chain, like being available on Arbitrum Uniswap but invisible on Ethereum Uniswap's UI.

Yet with account abstraction gaining traction this too will eventually get solved.

Anyway, just sharing my current thoughts out loud so I can be proven wrong in the comments :)

